WP 5 – Monitoring

The general objective of this Work package (WP)  is to support MSs to develop a monitoring system on HI adapted to the national contexts, well suited to policy requirements and sustainable over time.
The specific objectives of this WP are:

  • to support MSs to develop monitoring of Health Inequalities, well adapted to the national context, and sustainable over time;
  • to support the development as well as the use of Health Inequalities indicators for health policy evaluation and prioritization;
  • to avoid parallel information systems by aligning the WP-process with ongoing EU initiatives on synchronizing health information systems and where applicable, to suggest to include Health Inequalities  indicators in existing systems.

Gabriella Olsson (e-mail: gabriella.olsson@folkhalsomyndigheten.se)
Anette Richardson (e-mail: anette.richardson@folkhalsomyndigheten.se)