WP 6 – Healthy living environments

The thematic Work package (WP)  “Healthy living environments” deals with the concrete living environment in which people are born, grow up, work and age. They include social and community networks as well as settings of different social and living conditions (adequate housing conditions, health services, education, urban planning etc.). This WP focuses on factors, actions and strategies at EU, national, regional and community level, which aim at contributing to the creation and upkeep of healthy living environments. The goal is to reduce HIs and promote the population’s health and well-being. This will be done taking into account results of the previous Joint Actions and Projects, among others “Closing the Health Gap”, “DETERMINE”, “Crossing bridges”, “Gradient”, “Equity Action”, “CHRODIS” on the one hand and recent developments in different European countries like Welsh Well-Being of Future Generation Act and the German Preventive Health Care Act on the other hand.
The specific objectives of this WP are:

  • to support the MSs in identifying national strategies and policies as well as promising models of good practice to better understand assets and impacts of living environments on healthy life styles, risk and resilience factors;
  • to support developing implementation guidelines for urban planning, taking into account factors that favor or hinder the creation of healthy living environments, and approaches to tackle the challenges;
  • to support the development of an advocacy guidance for decision makers and stakeholders.

Christina Plantz (e-mail: Christina.plantz@bzga.de)
Yvette Shajanian-Zarneh (e-mail: yvette.shajanian-zarneh@bzga.de)